I have a need to do the following:
Generate a Stored Procedure and have the output written in a csv format.
I have everything I need to capture the data via stored procedure, but I am lost on a way to 'INSERT' the data values into a csv file.
This stored procedure will be triggered by another application.
Could someone please help.
there are many ways to do that
1. in sql server 200 you can use a dts to out put the result
2. in sql server 2005 you can use SSIS
3. you can use the openrowset function
4. you cann configure a linked server and output the result.
|||This might help
create procedure usp_runbcppkg
declare @.as_bcp varchar(255)
declare @.as_query nvarchar(255)
declare @.as_select varchar(255)
declare @.as_appcode varchar(20)
set @.as_select = 'bcp "select appcode, servername, region, usage_ctr, st_date, ed_date from pubs..temp"'
set @.as_query = 'master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ' + @.as_bcp
--cursor to get the list of state
declare cur_appcode cursor for
select distinct state from authors
order by 1
open cur_appcode
fetch next from cur_appcode into @.as_appcode
while @.@.fetch_status = 0
Truncate & Insert the date for the state in Temp Table
truncate table temp
insert into temp (au_id, au_lname, phone, address, city, state, zip)
select au_id, au_lname, phone, address, city, state, zip
from pubs..authors where state = @.as_appcode
--<Servername> to be entered
--<Password> to be entered
set @.as_bcp = @.as_select + ' queryout c:\temp\' + @.as_appcode + '.xls -S<Servername> -Usa -P<Password> -w'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @.as_bcp
fetch next from cur_appcode into @.as_appcode
close cur_appcode
deallocate cur_appcode
An OPENROWSET example which emails the results.
@.reportxls must exist on the server (an empty xls flle with column headers only).
Openrowset will append results to the file. If this is what you want then remove the copy, rename and delete parts of the code.
(@.selectcmd as varchar(400), @.email_list as varchar(300), @.reportxls as varchar(40))
declare @.result as int, @.attach as varchar(140), @.renamecmd as varchar(200), @.deletecmd as varchar(200), @.copycmd as varchar(200), @.insertcmd as varchar(200), @.sql as varchar(600)
set @.attach = 'd:\reports\' + @.reportxls
set @.copycmd = 'copy d:\reports\' + @.reportxls + ' d:\reports\' + @.reportxls + '#'
set @.renamecmd = 'ren d:\reports\' + @.reportxls + '# ' + @.reportxls
set @.deletecmd = 'del d:\reports\' + @.reportxls
set @.insertcmd = 'INSERT INTO OPENROWSET(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'',''Excel 8.0;Database=d:\reports\' + @.reportxls + ';'', ''SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]'')'
set @.sql = @.insertcmd + @.selectcmd
EXEC @.result = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @.copycmd
IF (@.result = 0)
EXEC (@.sql)
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail @.recipients = @.email_list,
@.message = 'Test Body Message',
@.subject = 'Report Request',
@.attachments = @.attach
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @.deletecmd
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @.renamecmd
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